Altai Krai Under Economic Instability: Key Trends and Development Peculiarities
1Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 66, Dimitrov st., Barnaul, 656015, Russian 2Altai State University, 61, Lenin av., Barnaul, 656049, Russia
Keywords: Алтайский край, мониторинг социально-экономического развития, экономическая нестабильность, этапы развития экономики, ключевые тренды, характерные черты и особенности развития региона, Altai Krai, monitoring of socio-economic development, economic instability, stages of economic development, key trends, characteristic features and development peculiarities of a region
The article exposes the results of monitoring the socio-economic development of Altai Krai under economic instability. We reveal development peculiarities of a typical agro-industrial region. Along with the dynamics characteristics of the real economy, we consider movements in the region’s investment sphere, changes in the living standard of the population, the labor market condition, etc. The conclusion drawn is that the economy of the region under structural crisis has turned out to be more adapted as compared to an «average Russian» region, with less a pronounced reaction to the deteriorating external economic environment. Altai Krai is characterized by lagging crisis manifestation combined with a more rapid economic recovery. As a special feature of the region’s development, we also note a comparatively badly adapted labor market and too-slowly-growing standard of living indicators to overcome the historical development gap with the rest of Russia.