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Journal of Mining Sciences

2018 year, number 1

Economic Problems and Environmental Challenges in Ore Mining in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, pr. Aazadlyg 20, Baku, Az 1010, Azerbaijan
Keywords: полиметаллические руды, эффективность разработки, минеральное сырье, магнетитовые руды, Дашкесанская группа, алунит, хвосты, отходы, глинозем, металлургический комбинат, строительные материалы, complex ore, mining efficiency, minerals, magnetite ore, Dashkesan group, alunite, tailings, waste, alumina, integrated iron-and-steel works, construction materials


The economic and ecological recommendations on integrated and efficient management are made for Dashkesan Mine in the north-east of the Small Caucasus and for sulphide-complex ore deposits on the South Slope of the Big Caucasus with a view to applying modern methods and resource-saving technologies in extraction of basic metals and alloy elements, management of mining waste, dust and gases, reducing production cost and environmental protection.