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Journal of Mining Sciences

2018 year, number 1

Alunite Ore Development in the Amur Region

Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Turgeneva 51, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
Keywords: алуниты, месторождение, модель, сынныриты, технико-экономические расчеты, карьер, рентабельность, Амурская область, Дальний Восток, alunite ore, model, synnyrite, technical-and-economic calculations, open pit mine, profitability, Amur Region, Far East


The constructed economic-and-geological model of a commercial alunite deposit in the Amur Region (in terms of Burinda mineralization) includes two scenarios based on the criteria of alumina requirements in and development profitability. The production infrastructure involves open pit mining and processing based on reduction and alkaline treatment in a unified circuit with synnyrite. The calculations show that construction of a mining and processing plant at the deposit is profitable in both scenarios.