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Journal of Mining Sciences

2018 year, number 1

Mine Ventilation Network Optimization Based on Airflow Asymptotic Calculation Method

1Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266590 P. R. China
2Japan Coal Energy Center, Tokyo, 1050003, Japan
3Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 8190395 Japan
Keywords: оптимизация вентиляционной сети, суммарные затраты, асимптотический расчет расхода воздуха, независимая ветвь, регулируемая ветвь, ventilation network optimization, total cost, airflow asymptotic calculation, independent branch, regulated branch


The main objective of mine ventilation network optimization studies is to develop a reasonable method for ventilation system control that minimizes the total cost of mine ventilation. The fundamental principles for ventilation network optimization are discussed, and a multi-objective optimization model is established from the viewpoint of total cost. Furthermore, an optimization algorithm based on the airflow asymptotic calculation is presented by the hierarchical analysis of objective functions and analysis of the structure characteristics of a ventilation network. In the proposed approach, the regulated branches are determined by the directed path matrix; the optimal solution is obtained by airflow asymptotic calculation using the existing software for ventilation network analysis, and it does not need to solve the large-scale nonlinear programming problem. The results of example analysis validated the reliability of this approach.