Optimizing Cutting Width and Capacity of Drum Shearers in Longwall Mining of Gently Dipping Coal Beds
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: шахта, очистной комбайн, шнек, ширина захвата, оптимизация, производительность, скорость подачи, частота вращения, тангенциальные резцы, фракционный состав угля, mine, shearer, drum, cutting width, optimization, capacity, feed, rotation speed, tangential picks, fractional composition
The authors formulate and solve the problem connected with the optimization of cutting width of a drum shearer based on the maximum capacity criterion with regard to physical properties and fractional composition of coal. Aimed at calculating drum shearer feed and capacity as function of cutting width, it is proposed to use shearing stress and contortion of beds instead of cutting resistance of rocks. It is found that in order to improve coal sizing and reduce methane release in longwall face, as well as for the uniform distribution of loads on picks, the picks should be arranged on the drum at unequal spacing in accord with the exponential law.