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Journal of Mining Sciences

2018 year, number 1

State of Development Drifts under Edges of Sheet-Like Ore Bodies

Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka 58, Yekaterinburg, 620075 Russia
Keywords: подготовительные выработки, краевые части, влияющий пласт, целики, горное давление, области повышенного давления, development drifts, edge, influencing sheet, pillar, rock pressure, higher pressure zones


The data of experimental and analytical studies into the state of development drifts under edges of gently dipping sedimentary sheet-like ore bodies are presented. The stresses in rock mass under the edges of the sheets are determined. The drift state criterion was assumed the ratio of the maximal compressive stresses at boundary of a reference circular cross section tunnel in an elastic medium and at the boundary of the tunnel under the hydrostatic stress field. The results of the instrumental and visual observations in mines as well as the data of equivalent material modeling and analytical solutions agree.