Underground Tunnel Cross Section and Damaged Rock Zone Interdependence
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: выработка, характерный размер, вес пород, напряжения, смещения, феноменологическая теория, разрушение, underground tunnel, size, tock mass weight, stress, displacement, phenomenological theory, failure
The classical method to calculate stress state of rock mass disregards the own weight of rocks, i.e. this is a static approach. This article suggests accounting for the own weight of rock mass during formation of a void in it, which is a kinematic approach. In case of similar underground openings differing only is size, the static calculation yields the same stresses below the limiting values, and, theoretically, failure is absent in both cases. The phenomenological theory presented in the article makes it possible to take into account the own weight of rocks in calculations of rock mass deformation around an underground tunnel, and the kinematic supplement shows that, all other conditions being equal, the probability of failure grows with the size of the tunnel.