Microrelief Heterogeneity of Floodplain Meadows (in the Delta of the Northern Dvina River)
1Northern Federal University nаmed after M. V. Lomonosov, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Northern Dvinа emb., 17 2Agrochemical Service Station “Arkhangelskaya”, 163062, Arkhangelsk, Nikitova str., 9
Keywords: микрорельеф, неоднородность, пойма, пойменный луг, растительный покров, почвенный покров, microscale heterogeneity, microrelief, meadows, soil cover, vegetation cover
This article provides quantitative evaluation of aspects of the spatial heterogeneity of soil- and vegetation cover of floodplains in relation to the microrelief. Floodplains in the delta of the Northern Dvina River are given as examples. The study manifests that soil- and vegetation cover is a feature of the relief and related to it in various aspects. Floodplain meadows are proven to be reliefoid (specific component of the outer shell of the ground surface to which morphological description can be applied) at the micro scale level. In this study we refer to heterogeneity as to a difference in edaphic background caused by geomorphologic features of the river delta area in conjunction with various aspects of economic activity, and corresponding to the cluster of specific properties of vegetation. Due to intrazonal localization of floodplain ecosystems, the results of local survey, for example, in Arkhangelsk Oblast of Russia, can be extrapolated to other regions. Relevance of this research of heterogeneity of soil- and vegetation cover is based not only on fundamental aspects, but also on agricultural management needs.