Inter-Budgetary Relations in the System of State Regional Policy Measure
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lomonosov av., 27, bld. 4, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Keywords: бюджетная обеспеченность, регионы, межбюджетные отношения, межбюджетные трансферты, модель бюджетного федерализма, budgetary security, regions, inter-budgetary relations, inter-governmental transfers, a model of budgetary federalism
The article analyzes the current state of the fiscal equalization system in the Russian Federation and comes to a conclusion thereon: the country lacks a complete and efficient system for redistributing public funds between the budget levels. Unlike most studies in this field, the paper challenges the conclusion that a cooperative model of fiscal federalism needs to be implemented as being only possible development of Russia’s center-periphery relations. In order to stabilize the economic situation in the regions and municipalities, as well as to overcome their welfare mentality, we propose to employ a mixed model that includes elements of both cooperative and decentralized models of fiscal federalism.