A.A. Gladysheva
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Myasnitskaya str., 20, Moscow, 101000
Keywords: прямые иностранные инвестиции, иностранный капитал, иностранный инвестор, иностранный собственник, статистические данные, микроданные, макроданные, foreign direct investment, foreign capital, foreign investor, foreign owner, statistical data, microeconomic data, macroeconomic data
In this paper there are several main points: the necessity of FDI definition and the interconnectionof a term and real subject of interest; problem of data sources and the choiceamong them are discussed. Methodology of data collection for each indicator should betaken into account because of the variety of data sources: the interpretation should bevalid to the data, awareness on different types of data allows using them together to providemore precise analysis. This research was made as an overview of available statistics onmicro, meso and macro levels. An important purpose of this paper is to demonstrate andsubstantiate incompatibility of data taken from different sources and necessity to use validtools of analysis for different indicators of the FDI activity, correctly interpret the resultsfor models based on different types of data and different research questions. Conclusionof this research is enforces by graphical analysis, summary statistics and analysis of spatialinterconnection among regions estimated for various indicators of FDI.