A.I. Gretchenko1,2, N.A. Kaverina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyannyi per., 36, Moscow, 115093 2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993
Keywords: социогуманитарные технологии, стратегические национальные приоритеты, человеческий капитал, новая экономика, креативная экономика, теория технологических укладов, холодный интеллект, дегуманизация общества, стратегии «опережающего развития», socio-humanistic technologies, strategic national priorities, human capital, new economy, creative economy, theory of technological ways, cold intelligence, dehumanization of society, the strategy of «the advancing development»
In the article the author’s line item concerning forming of strategy of long-term development of the state which shall pursue the humanitarian aims, be based on the key values of the Russian society correlated to economic tasks is stated. It is provided that competitive advantages of the country will be able to be implemented most. It is noted that in the conditions of the developing tendencies of increase of technological threats in the 21st century, it is necessary to solve problems of socio-humanistic ensuring innovative development of the country. Promotion on the foreground of social progress of a problem of a humanization puts sociocultural priorities in the center of economic transformations that requires observance of necessary parameters of interaction of economy and culture as two major components of activity of the person. To become the leader of the socio-humanistic technologies reducing technocratic and globalization threats of a civilization by means of culture - worthy, according to authors of article, a target reference point of Strategy of social and economic development of the Russian Federation until 2035.