A. A. Filatova
Don State Technical University, 1, Gagarin sq., Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russia
Keywords: нейронаука, критика нейронауки, культура мозга, функциональная магниторезонансная томография, визуализация мозга, нейронаука в масс-медиа, дисциплинарная интервенция, редукционизм, neuroscience, criticism of neuroscience, drain culture, functional magneting resonance imaging, brain imaging, neuroscience in mass media, disciplinary intervention, reductionism
The paper analyzes the intervention of neuroscience into various areas of human practice and cognition which results in the formation of the so-called «brain culture». The author draws attention to a number of phenomena showing an active disciplinary expansion which may be observed in recent decades. Three main directions of critical reflection of the problem are marked out. Firstly, the paper shows theoretical and methodological disadvantages of neuroscience itself and raises the question of criteria allowing distinguishing between a «good neuroscience» and a «pseudo neuroscience» or a «junk neuroscience». Then, it considers how neuroscience achievements are presented in mass media and how fMRI brain scans influence the perception of information by average persons. The problem of the social demand for neuroscience and mechanisms forming such a public demand for knowledge of the brain is also touched upon. The penetration of the neuroscience terminology and its interpretation methods into modern social and humanities knowledge is considered; the nature of these reductionist tendencies is conceptualized.