Aircraft subsonic speed impact on distortions of a laser beam propagating from the turret surface through a turbulent atmosphere
V.A. Banakh, A.A. Sukharev
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Keywords: турель, средняя интенсивность, турбулентность, дисперсия флуктуаций интенсивности, turret, mean intensity, turbulence, variance of intensity fluctuations
Results of the analysis of the mean intensity, intensity fluctuations, and regular and random wandering of optical beams propagating through the high-density area, which is formed due to subsonic airflow about a turret, in a turbulent atmosphere, are described. It is shown that the presence of perturbations around the turret caused by aircraft subsonic movements has a little impact on beam parameter. Quantitative data, which illustrate changes in the beam parameters along paths of different geometry versus turbulent conditions of light propagation, are presented and discussed.