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Region: Economics and Sociology

2017 year, number 2

Socio-Spatial Segregation of the City on the Example ofthe Residential Market in Novosibirsk

1Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ac. Lavrentiev av., 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia, e-mail
2Novosibirsk National Research State University, Pirogov st., 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: социально-пространственная сегрегация, рынок жилой недвижимости, стоимость и престижность жилья, территориальный кластер, городские сообщества, Новосибирск, socio-spacial segregation, residential market, housing cost and prestige, territorial cluster, urban communities, Novosibirsk
Subsection: Issues of Local Government and Municipal Development


The article analyzes the social and spatial segregation of the city on a status basis from the perspective of the residential market. We use housing cost and prestige as indicators. The analysis methodology is built upon a combination of the cartographic method and an expert survey of real estate market specialists. We distinguish territorial clusters as fairly dense areas of Novosibirsk usually with residential houses of the same kind, relatively homogeneous in housing cost and prestige. Based on the analysis of the market for new residential construction, we describe the types of territorial clusters that differ in housing cost and prestige. The article also examines the ways to maintain residential homogeneity within territories.