Competitive Cooperation of Territories as an Economic Reality
Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moskovskaya st., 29, Yekaterinburg, 620014, Russia
Keywords: территория, территориальная конкуренция, сотрудничество, конкурентное сотрудничество территорий, доверие в экономике, интеграционная зрелость, territory, territorial competition, cooperation, competitive cooperation of territories, the confidence in the economy, integration maturity
Subsection: Regional and Interregional Aspects of Structural and Investment Policy
The article discusses the relevance of studying competitive cooperation of territories, reveals its essence, prerequisites, and major ways of formation, as well as emerging difficulties and contradictions. Competitive cooperation of territories is supported by business representatives, public authorities, and the academic community, as illustrated by the results of sociological research. We define and rank the factors that initiate and intensify territorial cooperation in a competitive economy; at the same time, we name the ones that hinder its development. Based on the study findings, territories are ready for some self-restrictions during cooperation in the prospect of reaching a consensus. The article describes possible positive and negative effects of competitive cooperation, determines the most preferred and most promising actions for its establishment. We identify the fundamental characteristic properties of competitive cooperation and give recommendations on how to include them in its development. The article proposes examples depicting real promising projects of competitive cooperation in the Ural Federal District and particularly in Sverdlovsk Oblast.