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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2017 year, number 3

Production and Assessment of Biological Activity of Granular Complex Humic Fertilizers

Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: humic substances, biological activity, granular complex humic fertilizers
Pages: 329-334


The paper presents the results of biological tests of granular complex humic fertilizers (CHF) with the addition of carbamide (urea) and simple superphosphate. CHF samples were obtained from lignite (brown coal) of the Tisulskiy deposit (the Kaychakskiy plot, Kemerovo Region), their production method is given. Samples of complex granular fertilizers, initial coal and humic acids (HA) were characterized using 13С CP/MAS NMR, technical and elemental analysis. An integral indice, i. e. the index of phytoactivity (IP) that was calculated as the average value of the sum of indicators of the germinative energy, the seedling height (SH) and root length of seeds was used for objective testing. It was performed on seeds of spring wheat Iren by soaking them in an aqueous solution of CHF. Seeds were germinated under the conditions of GOST 12038-84. The effect of major components that were HA and mineral additives contained in the composition of CHF was determined. It was found that alongside with the composition of CHF, the functional group composition parameters might affect biological activity. It was demonstrated that the synergistic effect of HA and introduced mineral additives was observed. The presence of HA in CHF allowed decreasing the concentration of the solution to soak seeds without decreasing its biological activity. The tested CHF showed high phytoactivity (IP = 1.19-1.45). The maximum biological activity was noted in samples treated with superphosphate. The ability of HA to decrease the suppressive effect of large concentrations in solutions of mineral fertilizers was determined.