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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2017 year, number 3

Technogenic Atmospheric Pollution of the Karakan Coal Cluster

1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
2Institute of Human Ecology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: atmospheric suspension, Kuzbass, microparticles, coal, technogenic particles
Pages: 247-254


The paper presents the results of the study on the effects of objects of the Karakan coal cluster (Kuzbass) on the atmosphere. Observation of the composition of atmospheric suspension was carried out for 3 years - from 2012 to 2014. It was demonstrated that particles of less than 1 and 10 µm were found in a considerable proportion (to 50 and 71%, respectively) in atmospheric suspension of a number of sampling points throughout the observation period. These points are located near technological and motor roads, quarries. The qualitative composition of suspended particles demonstrated high contents of coal particles with multiple inclusions of native metals and their compounds (including rare earth elements). Rare-earth phases have a potentially hazardous inhalable size - from nanoscale to tens of microns. As a whole, as demonstrated by our three-year observation, all studied regions of the Karakan coal cluster are unfavourable for living from the viewpoint of air quality.