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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 3


K. V. Seleznyov, I. Yu. Ivanova, V. I. Kasyanenko, V. G. Simonenko
Far Eastern Federal University, 690090, Russia, Vladivostok, st. Sukxanova, 8
Keywords: физическое воспитание, глухие и слабослышащие дети, уровень двигательной подготовленности, координационные способности, physical training, deaf and hearing-impaired children, level of motional readiness, coordination abilities


According to a series of authors, knowledge of the general patterns and features of formation of the motional sphere of children with various deviations represents special importance for search of effective pedagogical remedies and methods of correction of motivational disturbances. For school students with disturbances of various nature in functioning of the acoustic analyzer, the movement is not only a condition of life support, an agent and a method of maintenance of working capacity, but also a way of development of all zones of a cortex of larger hemispheres of a brain, coordination of motional interactions, cognitive processes, corrections and compensations of disadvantages of physical and mental development. At the school age, indicators of physical development of children with various degree of hearing disorder also have the reduced level in comparison with the school students with normal hearing. Insufficiency of speech at children with a hearing disorder reduces the efficiency of educational and pedagogical process of physical training. Unfortunately, in the literature studied by us, there is no accurate definition of the sensitive periods of development of coordination abilities in deaf children, but only fragmentary studies of some motor qualities can be found. Researchers claim that the children with a hearing disorder having appreciable vestibular function have higher functionality when performing physical exercises. The process of adaptive physical training of deaf children of younger school age at physical education classes became an object of this research. The subject of the research is the influence of physical exercises on the development of coordination abilities of children of younger school age with a hearing disorder.