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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 3


S. Yu. Polyankina
Novosibirsk State Technical University, 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, av. Karla Marksa, 20
Keywords: социальная интеграция, социальная дифференциация, система образования, социализация, индивидуализация, social integration, social differentiation, education system, socialization, individualization


The processes of integration and differentiation in education and their results affect the social dimension of modern domestic education. Social integration and differentiation in education can manifest themselves as positive and negative trends. Social differentiation in education at the institutional level contributes to the coexistence of comprehensive education and author schools, providing an expansion of the range of opportunities to meet the educational needs of the younger generation. Nevertheless, differentiation also manifests itself in the reproduction of social inequality and professional stratification (division of professions into prestigious and non-prestigious, not completely corresponding to the real demand for representatives of non-prestigious spheres of employment in the eyes of citizens). At the level of the organization of the educational process, by means of introduction of tutoring, differentiation contributes to the individualization of education. However, such an individualized education can become elite and inaccessible for most citizens. Social integration serves the purposes of uniting the nation and acculturation of migrants in Russian society via the education system. Inclusive education of schoolchildren and students with disabilities and developmental peculiarities contributes to their socialization. The common content of education and similar educational trajectories of its subjects are also aimed at forming a single picture of the world in the citizens of the country and their consolidation. But social integration without taking into account the special educational needs of gifted students, students with disabilities or representatives of ethnic cultures narrows their choice and horizon of development. The author of the article finds empirical confirmation of these theses and proposes a way out of the current situation, which is possible with the successful implementation of the project «Open Education» by the Ministry of Education and the Government of the Russian Federation.