Numerical Study of the Effect of Reinforcing Elements in the Pole Field on the Strength of Non-Spherical Shells under a Pulse Load
Yu. P. Meshcheryakov
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: прочность, несферическая оболочка, численное моделирование, импульсная нагрузка, strength, non-spherical shell, numerical simulation, pulse load
This paper describes the study of the stress-strain state in the elements of a non-spherical shell of variable thickness arising during pulse action. The effect of the radii of inserts used as reinforcing elements on the magnitude of stresses in the non-spherical bottoms is investigated. The relationship between the stress-strain state in the shell pole and the radius of the inserts is studied. It is shown that the use of an insert of an optimum radius allows creating an equally strong explosion chamber.