Study of Strength Orthotropic Cylindrical Panels with Account for Geometric Nonlinearity
A. A. Semenov
St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University, St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia
Keywords: оболочки, прочность, устойчивость, геометрическая нелинейность, цилиндрические панели, углепластик, shells, strength, stability, geometric nonlinearity, cylindrical panels, carbon plastic
This paper describes the influence of geometric nonlinearity in the analysis of the strength of orthotropic cylindrical panels. The values of maximum permissible loads in the linear and nonlinear versions of calculations of structures made of unidirectional carbon plastics are given, and the loads at which stability loss occurs are determined. The mathematical models accounts for transverse shifts and geometric nonlinearity and stated as the full potential strain energy functional. The calculations are carried out on the basis of the method of solution continuation with respect to the parameter. The strength is estimated by using the maximum stress criterion.