Atmospheric aerosol optical depth measurements in the Black sea region (2015-2016)
D.V. Kalinskaya1, D.M. Kabanov2, A.A. Latushkin1, S.M. Sakerin2
1Marine Hydrophysical Institute National Academy of the RAS, 2, Kapitanskaya St., Sevastopol, 299011, Russia 2V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Keywords: аэрозольная оптическая толща, годовой ход, пылевой аэрозоль, Черное море, aerosol optical depth, annual behavior, dust aerosol, Black Sea
Routine measurements of atmospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) were carried out in 2006-2013 in Sevastopol within the AERONET ( program using a CE 318 sun photometer. In the end of 2015, owing to the cooperation between V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, the observations were resumed with a SPM portable photometer operating in the spectral range 0.34-2.14 mm. The results of AOD measurements in Sevastopol, at the “Sea Hydrophysical Polygon” oceanographic platform (Katsiveli), and in expeditions on “Professor Vodyanitsky” research vessel are presented. The average AOD measured in the Black Sea region in different months are compared with long-term data in Sevastopol. Situations with high aerosol opacity and the effect of air mass transfer directions on the AOD, including fine and coarse modes, are analyzed.