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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2017 year, number 6

Investigation of trends of CO and CH4 total column over Eurasia based on the analysis of ground and orbital spectroscopic measurements

V.S. Rakitin1, N.F. Elansky1, N.V. Pankratova1, A.I. Skorokhod1, A.V. Dzhola1, Yu.A. Shtabkin1, P. Wang2, G. Wan2, A.V. Vasilieva1, M.V. Makarova3, E.I. Grechko1
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:424:"1A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky per., 3, 119017, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Atmospheric Physics China Academy of Sciences, N40 Hua Yang Li, Ki Jia Huo Zi, District Chao Yan, p.ya 9804, 100029, Pekin, People’s Republic of China
3Saint Petersburg State University, 1, Ulyanovskaya str., Petrodvorets, St. Petersburg, 198504, Russia";}
Keywords: окись углерода, метан, общее содержание примесей, атмосферная спектроскопия, спутниковые методы, фоновые и загрязненные районы, тренды, carbon monoxide, methane, total column of components, atmospheric spectroscopy, satellite methods, background and contaminated areas, trends


Trends of CO and CH4 total column (TC) are estimated from AIRS spectrometer data for the "Eurasia" domain (0-180° E, 0-85° N) for different time periods and seasons. The results are compared with similar estimates obtained from ground-based spectroscopic measurements at IAP RAS stations (ZSS, Zotto, and Beijing), st. Peterhof of St. Petersburg State University, and NDACC stations located in the test domain. According to the findings, the CO TC over Northern Eurasia generally decreased during the period 2003-2015 with a rate of 0.05-1.5%/year depending on the region, while the CH4 TC increased at a rate of 0.16-0.65%/year. After 2007, there is a trend toward an increase in CO TC in the summer and autumn months in most of mid- and high-latitude Eurasia background areas, as well as an increase in CH4 TC growth rate. Positive trends in CO cannot be explained by the growth of emissions from fires or anthropogenic emissions. Thus, one of possible causes may be changes in the entire global photochemical system occurring against the backdrop of global climate change, in particular, changes in the "sources/sinks" ratio for small atmospheric components.