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Journal of Mining Sciences

2017 year, number 2

Nonlinear Relationships between Coalbed Methane Emission, Natural Methane Content and Kinematic Parameters of Cutting Picks of Shearers

1Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
2VostNII Research Center, ul. Institutskaya 3, Kemerovo, 650002 Russia
Keywords: шахта, угольный пласт, фракционный состав, сорбция, метановыделение, тангенциальный резец, скорость подачи, производительность, очистной комбайн, mine, coal bed, fractional makeup, adsorption, methane emission, tangential cutting pick, advance velocity, production output, coal shearer


It has been found that the rated and actual data on methane emission in production headings in some Kuzbass mines disagree. The air and gas control shows that actual methane emission from broken coal is much less than the rated data when a coal shearer has high advance velocity and production output. The authors demonstrate the connection between an average diameter of broken coal fragment, shearer advance velocity and drum rotation speed using Darcy’s law of flow and Langmuir’s adsorption equation. It is found that methane emission from broken coal and natural coalbed methane content relate nonlinearly and that the relationship of absolute methane emission, shear advance velocity and production output has an extremum.