Theoretical Fundamentals to Describe Interaction of Geomechanical and Physicochemical Processes in Coal Seams
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: теоретические основы, угольные месторождения, "поршневой механизм" протекания массо-газообменных процессов, геомеханика, физико-химия, уравнение Ленгмюра и кинематическое выражение для волн маятникового типа, операторное продолжение, theoretical fundamentals, coal deposits, "piston mechanism" of mass-and-gas exchange, geomechanics, physicochemistry, Langmuir’s equation and kinematic expression for pendulum waves, operator extension
For theoretical description of interaction between geomechanical and physicochemical processes in multiphase coal seams, the author for the first time proves the existence of an analytic “extension” of the operator connecting Langmuir’s equation and the kinematic expression for pendulum waves in high- stress geomedia of hierarchical block structure.