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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 2

Stochastic Wave Finite Element Method in Uncertain Elastic Media Through the Second Order Perturbation

F. Bouchoucha1, M. N. Ichchou2, M. Haddar1
1National School of Engineers of Sfax, BP. W3038 Sfax-Tunisia
2Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 36 Avenue Guy de Collongues 69130 Ecully
Keywords: стохастический метод конечных волновых элементов, дисперсия, неопределенность, возмущения второго порядка, stochastic wave finite element method, dispersion, uncertainty, second-order perturbation


In this work, the stochastic wave finite element (SWFE) method for uncertain media through the second-order perturbation is formulated. A parametric approach for uncertainties is considered and combined to the finite element technique. The stochastic state space formulation is detailed in this work. The originality of this paper is the study of the second-order perturbation. The sensitivity and the precision of the SWFE approach are treated through the second-order perturbation introduced in the structural parameters. The question of the statistics of the propagation constants and the wave modes is considered. Comparisons with analytical results and Monte Carlo simulations are performed.