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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 2

Analytical Solution of the Problem of Heat Transfer in Rarefied Gas between Two Coaxial cylinders

O. V. Germider1, V. N. Popov1, A. A. Yushkanov2
1Northern Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
2Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, 107005, Russia
Keywords: уравнение Больцмана, течение газа в канале, метод характеристик, Boltzmann equation, gas flow in a channel, method of characteristics


The method of characteristics was used within the framework of the kinetic approach to construct an analytical solution of the problem of heat transfer in a channel whose walls were formed by two coaxial cylinders. The main equation was the Williams kinetic equation, and the boundary condition on the channel walls was the diffusion reflection model. The vector field of the heat in the channel was determined, and the specific heat flow through the cross section of the channel was calculated. It was shown that the results obtained for a limiting case, in which the cylinder radii were significantly greater than the mean length of free path of gas molecules, were in good agreement with the results obtained for a plane channel with infinite parallel walls.