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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 2

Experimental Study of Interaction of Shock Waves with the Contact Boundary Zone and Turbulent Mixing of Different Gases

A. N. Razin, N. V. Nevmerzhitskii, E. A. Sotskov, E. D. Senkovskii, O. L. Krivonos, E. V. Levkina, S. V. Frolov, E. V. Bodrov, K. V. Anisiforov
All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, 607188, Russia
Keywords: ударная труба, двухслойная газовая система, контактная граница, неустойчивость Рихтмайера -- Мешкова, турбулентное перемешивание, фронт ударной волны, shock tube, two-layer gas system, interface, Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, turbulent mixing, shock-wave front


The interaction of a shock wave with turbulent flow has been experimentally investigated. The case where the shock wave formed on one end of the tube, passed through the interface between two resting gases with different densities (air-CO2 or air-Ar), reflected from the end of the tube and interacted with turbulent mixing zone formed at the contact boundary. The Mach number of the shock wave incident on the interface in air was M ≈ 2.37-2.57. The flow field was recorded using schlieren method and high-speed video recording. It is found that after passing the mixing zone, the shock-wave front is deformed and becomes unstable.