A modified dual scheme for solving an elastic crack problem
R.V. Namm, G.I. Tsoy
Computer Centre of Far Eastern Branch RAS, Kim Yu Chena st., 65, Habarovsk, 680063, Russia
Keywords: упругая задача с трещиной, схема двойственности, модифицированный функционал Лагранжа, функционал чувствительности, соотношение двойственности, слабая полунепрерывность снизу, elastic crack problem, duality scheme, modified Lagrangian functional, sensitivity functional, duality relation, weak lower semicontinuity
The dual scheme for solving a crack problem in terms of displacements is considered. The dual solution method is based on a modified Lagrangian functional. In addition, the method convergence is investigated under natural assumptions on H1-regularity of the crack problem solution. The duality relation for the primal and dual problems has been proposed.