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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2017 year, number 1

Causes of Nonadditivity Effects in NiII and CoII Containing Catalytic Oxidation Systems of Na2S by Oxygen

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: non-additivity, catalysis, oxidation, nickel sulphide, cobalt sulphide
Pages: 73-78


Positive and negative effects of non–additivity of oxygen absorption rates at oxidation of Na2S in the presence (NiII + CoII)–containing catalysts were detected. It was determined that these effects were associated with peculiarities of the formation of nickel and cobalt sulphides particles. Positive effects of non–additivity were observed in the beginning of the reaction at the stage of forming metals sulphides embryos and referred to synergistic phenomena. Negative effects were detected at the growth stage of the sulphide phase particles. They are of nonsynergistic nature and associated with deposition of nickel sulphides on the surface of cobalt sulphide particles.