Passage of Sound Through a Discretely Inhomogeneous Thermoelastic а PLane Layer Adjacent to Heat-Conducting Liquids
L. A. Tolokonnikov, N. V. Larin
Tula State University, Tula, 300012, Russia
Keywords: отражение и прохождение звука, неоднородный термоупругий слой, теплопроводная жидкость, reflection and transmission of sound, inhomogeneous thermoelastic layer, heat-conducting liquid
An analytical solution of the problem of the passage of a plane sound wave through a discretely inhomogeneous thermoelastic layer adjacent to inviscid heat-conducting liquids. Results of calculations of the dependences of the transmission coefficient on the wave incidence angle and frequency for discretely inhomogeneous and continuously inhomogeneous thermoelastic layers are given. It is shown that a thermoelastic layer with continuously inhomogeneous thickness can be simulated using a system of homogeneous thermoelastic layers.