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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 1

Cavitation Deceleration of a Circular Cylinder in a Liquid after Impact

M. V. Norkin
Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia
Keywords: идеальная несжимаемая жидкость, круговой цилиндр, удар, кавитационное торможение, свободная граница, каверна, малые времена, число Фруда, ideal incompressible fluid, circular cylinder, impact, cavitation deceleration, free boundary, cavity, small times, Froude number


The formation of a cavity during vertical impact and subsequent deceleration of a circular cylinder semi-submerged in a liquid is investigated. The problem with unilateral constraints is formulated to determine the initial regions of separation and contact of liquid particles and the perturbation of the internal and external free boundaries of the liquid at small times. The problem is solved using a direct asymptotic method which is effective at small times. Examples of numerical calculations of the formation of one or two cavities near the boundary of the body are given. It is shown that the acceleration of the cylinder has a significant impact on the liquid flow pattern near the body at small times.