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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2017 year, number 1

Features of Algal Communities in Forest Biogeocoenosis Litters of the Steppe Zone

1Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 72312, Melitopol, Lenin str., 20
2Oles Honchar Dnepropetrovsk Nationаl University, 49010, Dnepropetrovsk, Gagarin ave., 72
Keywords: лесная подстилка, водоросли, степная зона, лесные биогеоценозы, биоразнообразие, Украина, forest litter, algae, steppe zone, forest biogeocoenoses, biodiversity, Ukraine


We studied features of algal communities in forest litters of natural and artificial forest biogeocoenoses in the steppe zone. The greatest resemblance was observed between algal communities formed in the litters with a similar composition (leaf or needle litter). The complex of dominants and the structure of algal groups varied by seasons and subhorizons of the forest litter, which characterized the specifics of the forest litter as a medium of existence of algae with high dynamics of changes in thickness, chemical and physical properties as a result of processes of abiotic and biotic degradation of plant residues. Needle forest litter was characterized by the predominance of green and yellow-green algae, both in the number of species and its percentage in the total number while leaf litter - by green and yellow-green algae with significant contribution from Cyanoprokaryota. When some leaf litter was added to the needle one, it resulted in the increased diversity of algae.