I.I. Yurganova
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North SB RAS, 1, Petrovskogo St., Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677009, Russia
Keywords: clergy, Yakutsk region, clergy of the parish, church warden, priest, cantor, religious education, the Bishop, the parishes of the Yakut, Yakutsk
The article discusses the daily life of the representatives of the clergy in the diocesan period in the history of Orthodoxy in Yakutia. The purpose of this article is to identify the common and specific features in the everyday life of the clergy. The research methodology includes the principle of specificity, when the clergy’s routine is studied taking into account definition of time and place; historicism, which considers the daily life of clergy in its development; consistency, which implies that the provincial clergy lived their lives in accordance with the spiritual laws of the Empire, and the principle of reliance upon historical sources. The latter principle implies the introduction into scientific circulation of unpublished archival documents and the historiographical tradition that takes into account the results of earlier scientific studies. In the course of the study the author points to a small number of the clergy of Yakutia; characterizes its age capacity and role in the history of Yakutia. Admission of locals to the clerical ranks, payment of wages from the state budget and local sources resulted in the dynastic succession of clergy that had emerged early in the XX century. Differences in financial situation depending on the place of service and position resulted from the opportunity to receive spiritual education and to increase its level. Specifics of the clergy’s daily life arouse due to the wealthy life of townspeople and integrative role of the rural parish clergy in Yakutia. The study shows that standard of living of urban parishes corresponded to a general welfare of the wealthy urban residents whereas the priests of the rural churches lived in a relative poverty, although along with performing official duties they provided integration of rural population into the Russian civilization space.