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Philosophy of Sciences

2016 year, number 4


V.I. Silantev1
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 Nikolaeva str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: когнитивное бессознательное, процедурное знание, имплицитное знание, искусственные грамматики, эффект прайминга, сильная и слабая версии бессознательного, cognitive unconscious, procedural knowledge, implicit knowledge, artificial grammar learning, priming effect, strong and weak versions of the unconscious


The concept of “cognitive unconscious”, widely used in current cognitive psychology, is considered. Main empirical approaches to its investigation are analyzed. Two views on the concept ontology (strong and weak versions of the unconscious) are stated. Finally, the article notes that theoretical consideration of the unconscious has to pay respect to the fact that unconscious and consciousness are genetically related to each other.