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Numerical Analysis and Applications

2016 year, number 4

Recovering a tsunami source and designing an observational system based on the r-solution method

T. A. Voronina
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, pr. Acad. Lavrentieva 6, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: цунами, численное моделирование, обратная некорректная задача, регуляризация, сингулярное разложение, решения, tsunami numerical modeling, ill-posed inverse problem, regularization, singular value decomposition and solution


This study deals with the application of the solution method to recover the initial tsunami waveform in a tsunami source area by inverting the remote water-level measurements for a real event. The inverse problem in question is regarded as the so-called ill-posed problem and it is regularized by means of the least square inversion using the truncated Singular Value Decomposition method. The method presented allows one to control the instability of the numerical solution and to obtain an acceptable result in spite of the ill-posedness of the problem. Moreover, it is possible to make a preliminary prediction of the quality of the inversion with a given set of observational stations and to estimate further changes in the inversion result after modifying the monitoring system.