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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2016 year, number 5

Laser Initiation of PETN-Based Compositions with Submicron Coal Particles

B. P. Aduev, D. R. Nurmukhametov, N. V. Nelyubina, R. Yu. Kovalev, A. P. Nikitin, A. N. Zaostrovskii, Z. R. Ismagilov
Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, 650000 Russia
Keywords: взрыв, лазерное инициирование, тэн, бурый уголь, низкометаморфизованный уголь, лазер, оптоакустика, летучие вещества, коксовый остаток, explosion, laser initiation, PETN, brown coal, low-metamorphized coal, laser, optoacoustics, volatiles, carbon residue


This paper describes the results of experiments on laser initiation of composites based on PETN and inclusions of submicron coal particles. The thresholds and kinetic characteristics of explosion of mixed compositions based on PETN and inclusions of submicron coal particles (B and DG) are studied under the influence of neodymium laser (1064nm, 12 ns), depending on the mass concentration of inclusions in the range of 0-5%. It is shown that the minimum threshold of explosive decomposition of PETN equal to 1.1 J/cm2 can be achieved if the concentration of both types of inclusions is 0.5%.