Stabilization of Diffusion Flames of Impacting and Opposing Fuel Jets
V. K. Baev, A. N. Bazhaikin
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Keywords: диффузионное горение, встречные струи, срыв горения, стабилизация пламени, критерий гомохронности, балластирование топлива углекислым газом, diffusion combustion, opposing jets, combustion failure, flame stabilization, homochronicity criterion, fuel ballasting by carbon dioxide
Stability of diffusion combustion of fuel jets impacting on targets and interaction of two jets (pure propane-butane and the same fuel with addition of carbon dioxide) are experimentally studied. Data on combustion failure are obtained for various variants of jet interaction, as well as information about the composition of combustion products, air-to-fuel ratio, and completeness of combustion before combustion failure. It is shown that the domain of stable combustion of impacting and opposing jets is expanded by more than an order of magnitude as compared to combustion of individual free jets.