Proton Acceptor Abilities of Heterocyclic Compounds from the Stretching Vibrational Bands of N-H Groups of Associated Molecules
N.U. Mulloev, M. Faizieva, Z.Z. Islomov, J. Yusupova
Tajik National University, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
Keywords: гетероциклические соединения, производные пиррола, амфотерные свойства, протоноакцепторная способность, гетероатом, самоассоциация, индукционное влияние, heterocyclic compounds, pyrrole derivatives, amphoteric properties, proton acceptor ability, heteroatom, self-association, inductive effect
The proton acceptor properties of some heterocyclic compounds of a pyrrole series are studied from the data on the self-association of molecules. It is shown that on passing from pyrrole to other compounds of this series a change in the vibrational frequency of the N-H group of associated molecules ν ас is observed. This change in the frequency is due to the inductive effect of the introduced structural fragments on the equilibrium electronic configuration of the N-H group.