Bismuth-Containing Fluoride Glasses
S.A. Polishchuk1, L.N. Ignat`eva1, Iu.V. Marchenko1, V.M. Buznik2
1Institute of Chemistry, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia 2All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: фториды индия, циркония, висмута, бария, фторидные, фторцирконатные стекла, ИК, КР, ЯМР F, фотолюминесценция, indium fluorides, zirconium, bismuth, barium, fluoride and fluorozirconate glasses, IR, Raman, F NMR
, photoluminescence
On the example of bismuth-containing glasses based on InF3 and ZrF4 the effect of bismuth on the glass formation, properties, glass structure, and also the appearance of broadband luminescence in the low-wave region of IR spectra of fluorozirconate glasses is considered.