Identification of the Elastic and Damping Characteristics of Carbonfiber Reinforced Plastic Based on a Study of Damped Flexural Vibrations of Test Specimens
V. N. Paimushin1,2, V. A. Firsov2, I. Gyunal2, V. M. Shishkin3
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008, Russia 2Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, 420111, Russia 3Vyatka State University, Kirov, 610000, Russia
Keywords: теоретико-экспериментальный метод, тест-образец, внутреннее демпфирование, аэродинамическое демпфирование, целевая функция, theoretical-experimental method, test specimen, internal damping, aerodynamic damping, target
A theoretical-experimental method for determining the elastic and damping characteristics of materials based on analysis of vibrograms of damped flexural vibrations of test specimens with different structures is proposed. It is shown that during tension-compression and shear of a carbon plastic reinforced with Porcher 3692 carbon fabric, with EDT-69NM polymer binder, the dynamic elastic modulus decreases considerably with increasing frequency of its deformation in the range of 0-120 Hz. The amplitude dependences of the logarithmic vibration decrements of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic are determined Bb minimizing the discrepancy between the experimental and calculated internal-damping parameters of the test specimens in tension-compression and shear.