Numerical and Analytical Studies of the Propagation of Thermoelastic Waves in a Medium Taking into Account Heat Flow Relaxation
E. Yu. Vitokhin, M. B. Babenkov
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg 195251, Russia
Keywords: гиперболическая задача термоупругости, закон Максвелла -- Каттанео, релаксация теплового потока, метод конечных разностей, hyperbolic thermoelastic problem, Maxwell-Cattaneo law, heat flow relaxation, finite difference method
The thermoelastic problem of laser effect on metals and dielectrics is studied taking into account the finite speed of propagation of thermal waves and using a numerical finite-difference algorithm. The resulting numerical solution is compared with the analytical one. The problem is solved in coupled and uncoupled formulations. The solutions of the hyperbolic thermoelastic problem are compared with the solutions of the classical problem. Analytical expressions are obtained for the propagation speeds of the thermoelastic wave components. Times are determined at which the difference between the solutions of the hyperbolic and classical thermoelastic problems can be detected experimentally.