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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2016 year, number 3

Experimental and Theoretic Study of the Buckling of Narrow Thin Plates on an Elastic Foundation under Compression

V. D. Kurguzov, A. G. Demeshkin
Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: тонкие пленки, отслоение, упругое основание, потеря устойчивости, нелинейное деформирование, thin films, detachment, elastic foundation, buckling, nonlinear strain


The processes of elastic strain of thin films under mechanical load are considered. The film is simulated by a longitudinally compressed plate placed on an elastic foundation. The computer model of the buckling of the narrow thin plate with a detachment portion, placed on an elastic foundation is constructed. The supercritical behavior of the plate - substrate system is studied. The experiments on the axial compression of the metal strip adhered to the rubber plate are performed, and 2 to 7 buckling modes are obtained therein. The critical loads and buckling modes obtained in the numerical calculations are compared with the experimental data. The possibility of progressive detachment of the metal plate from the foundation in excess of the critical load is shown. It is found that the use of the proposed approach, which, in contrast to other approaches, takes into account the elastic strain of the substrate, causes the dependence of critical bending stresses on the stiffness of the foundation.