Liliya A. Fedorova, Liliya Yu. Korshikova
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 630039, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Dobrolybova, 160
Keywords: философия образования, ценности, глобализация, кризис, модернизация, аксиологический подход, инновационное образование, дуальная система профессионального образования, практико-ориентированное обучение, философско-образовательный анализ, philosophy of education, values, globalization, crisis, modernization, axiological approach, innovative education, the dual system of vocational education, corporate education, continuous education, practice-oriented education, philosophical-educational analysis
It is known that the system of education is given a special role in the process of reforming the economy and the education system itself, especially in the period of recovery from the crisis. This is due to the fact that education is the most important source of socio-economic and scientific-technical development, the progress of all aspects of the society life. The relevance of the study is determined by the increase of attention today to the problems of education and strengthening of measures to resolve the contradictions in the education system at the state, public and personal levels. The aim of the article is to analyze the special features of value components of modern education. On the basis of axiological approach and reflective analysis of the philosophy of education, the dialectical understanding of education as a value is shown, and the values of the education system are considered. The dual education as a form of practice-oriented vocational training is analyzed.