Kalimash K. Begalinova1, Tatiana S. Kosenko2, Nina V. Nalivayko3
1Kazakh National Satpaev Technical University, 050013, Kazaxstan, Almati, st. Saptaeva, 22a 2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vilyiiskaya, 28 3Institute of Philosophy and Law of the RAS, 630090, Russia, Bovosibirsk, st. Nikolaeva, 8
Keywords: принцип, неопределенность, образование, воспитание, модернизация, uncertainty principle, education, upbringing, modernization
The ability of the human being to find a way out of non-standard situations and, at the same time, to act in accordance with the generally accepted rules, regulations and the basic principles of society has attracted the attention of scientists from the earliest times. However, only recently the scientific terminology has started to accommodate such notion as the «uncertainty principle»; and this is not accidental, but conditioned by the reality. In the opinion of the authors, the uncertainty principle has deep historical roots. The basis of uncertainty is in the human nature itself. It is exactly the «uncertainty» that encourages people to think and then to act. Thus, it serves as a certain «engine». The state of uncertainty in the education system arises both for the teacher («how to teach?», «what to teach?») or the student («what to study?», «how to study?») and for the education system as a whole. It is not right to consider only the negative aspects of the uncertainty principle. Among the important positive trends there are democratization of school systems, differentiation, humanistic orientation of upbringing and training, increasing activity and independence of students, the opportunity to actively participate in the international cooperation, and so on. Presently, the uncertainty principle is actively developed by modern scientists, in particular, for solving the problems of modernization of contemporary education.