Irina V. Yakovleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, st. Vilyiiskaya, 28
Keywords: волевая саморегуляция, нелинейная динамика, волевой импульс, активатор, ингибитор, самоорганизация здорового образа жизни, возможности развития, модель нелинейной динамики, volitional self-control, nonlinear dynamics, volitional impulse, activator, inhibitor, self-organization of healthy lifestyle, possibilities of development, a model of nonlinear dynamics
The article presents an analysis of the educational process for the students of special medical groups. This research has been conducted over three years at the Department of Physical Education of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The author focuses on the fact that students with poor health are a special contingent, characterized by a lack of fitness and physical activity, as well as negative attitudes to the PE discipline. A large part of the students of this category have complete exemption from the PE lessons, and they are only supposed to do a written work on the health preservation problems. The author believes that the students of special medical groups are in need of motor activity even to a greater degree than the healthy students. Taking into account the volitional characteristics of this category of students and assessing the structural organization of physical education as a weakly dynamic and unstable system, the author make a conclusion that there is a need for a special organization of the education process for the students with poor health. This educational process should be fundamentally different from the one concerning the students of the main group in the department of physical education. The article discusses a nonlinear dynamics model, which is a synthesis of sci-ence and natural philosophy statements by Haken, Prigogine, Poincare, and A. A. Andronov - the people considered as the founders of synergetics. According to the given model, the organization of educational process can affect the improvement of students’ volitional self-regulation, and, under certain conditions, it can affect the self-organization dynamics of their own health preservation. In the view of the non-linear dynamics paradigm, the self-organization is possible in the presence of the new types of objects - the so-called auto waves. Unlike classical waves associated with normal environment, the sustained waves can be considered as the generation of active media filled with rich energy, which sustained waves can get as much as they «need». The author suggests filling this given active "medium" or space with some new ways of physical, psychological and intellectual impact on the students. This comprehensive support is able to affect the worldview, sense-motivation and activity regarding students’ personal health.