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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 2


Damir R. Vakhitov1, Tatiana N. Kondratyeva2, Nail M. Gabdullin3
1Russian Academy of Justice, 117418, Russia, Moscow, st. Novotheremyshkinskaya, 69
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vilyiiskaya, 28
3Kazan Federal University, 420008, Russia, Kazan, st. Kremlevskaya, 18
Keywords: образование, система образования, двухуровневая система, глобализация, санкции, бюджетные обязательства, конкуренция, реформы, критерии эффективности, суверенитет, education, education system, two-level system, globalization, sanc-tions, budgetary obligations, competition, reforms, criteria of efficiency, sovereignty


In the article, the value and role of education in the socio-economic development of the country, in preserving the sovereignty of Russia are considered. The article is devoted to possible consequences of the influence of external economic factors on education; this will allow formulating, in the long term, the actions for protection of the economic and political sovereignty of Russia. In the conditions of globalization of the world economic system, the dependence of national economy on the external economic factors and the universal tendencies becomes not only pronounced, but also testifies to the loss of sovereignty by the states, that is, the loss of independence in decision-making, including in the sphere of education. The external problems and the pressure of sanctions are combined in a certain way with the internal problems caused by many years of government’s ignoring the problems of education and the contradictory nature of the ongoing reforms. As a result of their reflections, the authors come to conclusion about the need of developing the immediate measures for overcoming, correction of the negative tendencies, and, in some cases, preservation of the positive that was created in the domestic education system.