Tamara A. Rubantsova, Vladimir V. Chebotaryov
Siberian State University of Communications, 630049, Russia, st. Dysi Kovalthyk, 191
Keywords: терроризм, столкновение цивилизаций, этнические конфликты, религиозные конфессии, terrorism, clash of civilizations, ethnic conflicts, religious con-fessions
In the article, the problems of modern terrorism, which is insufficiently studied as a socio-cultural phenomenon, are considered from the point of view of the social-philosophical analysis. In the scientific circles, three points of view concerning the nature of terrorism prevail now: the research, practical and critical points of view. The first point of view relies on the approach according to which it is necessary to reveal the fundamental principles of terrorism, its sources, because only having understood them, it is possible to find an effective mean to fight it. The second, practical approach denies the need of searching for the prime causes of terrorism, considering that it only distracts from the fight against this evil. The representatives of the third approach to the analysis of terrorism deny the first two approaches, considering them as the links of one chain. These are the most furious critics rejecting the idea of terrorism as consistent actions of the USA. S. Huntington has predicted «collision of civilizations»; however it has not become objective reality, and cannot be considered as a basis of modern terrorism. It is possible to call this approach a confrontational model of «collision of civilizations», which, as a negative scenario, can result in antagonism in Russia of two irreconcilable camps: Orthodox Christians and followers of other religions. In order that it does not happen, it is necessary to develop an ideology of «social responsibility» of the representatives of all religious confessions of multinational Russia.