HUMAN BEING, CHALLENGES OF NBIC-CONVERGENCE AND SCIENCE Article 1. Spiritual foundations of human-maintenance and NBIC-technologies
A. A. Gordienko
Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS, 630090, Russia, Hovosibirsk, st. Hikolaeva, 8
Keywords: НБИКС-технологии, биологическая составляющая природы человека, трансцендирование, предельный прорыв, человеческое в человеке, опорные интуиции, трансцендентная реальность, субъективная реальность, человекообразующий цикл, человекообразующий контур, человекостояние, первокультура, телесные предпосылки первокультуры, освоение/развитие первокультуры, NBIC- technologies, the biological component of human nature, transcending, ultimate breakthrough, the human in human-being, basic insights, transcendent reality, subjective reality, hu-man-forming cycle, human-forming circuit, human-maintenance, pre-culture, physical preconditions of pre-culture, evolvement/development of pre-culture
In connection with the introduction of NBIC-technologies, within the framework of which the biological component of human nature and human identity can be subjected to transformation, the problem of preservation of human nature is being actively discussed, which has become a global problem. However, in search of conceptual bases of human nature and the human prospects, the spiritual meanings of human-forming and its history are often ignored. They are substituted by the informational reflection of these processes, resulting in losing the spiritual content of the human being and his/her culture. To understand the events and find reference points, it is necessary «to look at the surroundings from a height». This seems to be the height associated with turning to that space and time, in which the human was germinating in the human being and the human formation process was taking place. The article formulates ideas about a primary human- forming process, in which the evolvement and development of the human in the human being occurred, a pre-culture was originated. It is assumed that the preconditions of the human are beginning to take shape in transcending, which occurs among primitive people in an ultimate breakthrough when their very existence is threatened. It is shown that in precedents of ultimate breakthrough, the primitive man experienced something that is on the «other side» of externally sensed, i.e. macro-captured givenness: a transcendent reality. First of all, the human community in the post-ultimate transition is established as a spiritual team, being a way of penetration of eternity into the person and the person, into eternity. There appears a human-forming circuit with the core in the spiritual team, which extends into the World, Nature and Cosmos. Here the human-forming phenomena are constructed: the Good, True (Truth), Beauty; whereas a primitive man acquires the ability to partnership, love and spirituality. In process of expansion of contacts between inner feelings and transcendent reality, internal corporal structures which have the status of human base in the person are developed. It has been shown that human development in the context of modern challenges is associated with the treatment and development, and therefore the increase of pre-culture. The development of the person can only be described as a self-improvement, the fundamental basis of which is the ability to overcome oneself by means of transcending in harmony with the Other. The planned trans-human transformations in the absence of this context not only destroy, but exclude from being «those invari-ants of human vital world, which makes us human». Referring to the process of formation of corporal prerequisites of pre-culture, the author shows that the technological improvement of human should be considered only in the context of transcendence. This means that the biological component of human nature can be subjected to transformation in such forms and ways, that it does not interfere with human-maintenance of each individual.