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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 2


N. A. Knyazev1, R. G. Buyankina2, R. A. Zukov2
1Siberian State Space University, 660037, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, av. Imeni gazeti Krasnoyarskii rabothii, 31
2Krasnoyarsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 660022, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, st. imeni Partizana Zhelezbyaka, 1
Keywords: философия образования, научные основания, интеграция научного знания, методология исследования, рационалистические ценности современной науки, philosophy of education, scientific bases, integration of scientific knowledge, research methodology, rationalist values of modern science


The authors examine the scientific foundations in the structure of disciplinary development of the philosophy of education. The foundations are considered as its attributive characteristics, which are the «genetic» guarantors of reproduction of a high quality result and the disciplinary originality. One of the main theoretical sources of the substantive content of both the philosophy of education itself and its subject-methodological foundations is the integration processes involving the entire system of modern scientific knowledge. The purpose of this article is to establish the diversity of forms of integration processes in the field of philosophy of educa-tion, the possibility of their interaction with the latest «products» of the methodology of scientific knowledge and new ways of methodological support in the field of increment of new scientific knowledge. A comprehensive and constructive approach to solving the integration prob-lems in the framework of the philosophy of education inevitably opens up another very important and relevant aspect of interdisciplinary processes. This aspect con-cerns the integration unity of the methodological and scientific aspects of the exist-ence of scientific disciplines taught in modern Russian universities. Primarily, this concerns the vocation-related subjects in the curriculum of the future specialists, re-search engineers and Masters. Organic relationship between the methodological and scientific-methodical levels of cognition allowed us to formulate in the article a number of problems, addressing the fundamental issues of training the first-class professionals. One such problem is the need to overcome a gap between the realities of integration within a disciplinary existence of scientific knowledge, with which the future specialist or engineer-researcher is dealing, and the philosophical-methodological aspects of understanding these realities. This scientific-methodological gap in the educational process of the higher education institution cannot be underestimated, because a generalized philosophical aspect of this prob-lem involves its revealing on the basis of the most stable and deepest development regularities of modern scientific and technical knowledge. The philosophical aspect of solution of the described educational problem not only arms the specialist with significant methodological and philosophical competences, but it also forms, in the process of theoretical and creative activity of the specialist, a very valuable compo-nent: an expansive (and therefore adequate) ability to think from the positions of modern rationalist values of science. It is exactly from the perspective of integrative unity of methodological and scientific-methodological parts of the educational process that the methods of training of engineers and researchers must change. Such methods allow taking into ac-count qualitative changes in the motivation of education (self-education) of future specialists, new criteria for evaluation of research activity, as well as new ways of implementing creative stages in the research process. This complies with the latest requirements to educational process in Russian universities taking into account the practice-oriented training.